3 Things You Need to Know Before Purchasing Electronic Signature Software

Electronic signatures are not just for corporations anymore. More and more people are signing in the digital age. The convenience of being able to sign in seconds, wherever you are in the world, is a plus that can’t be ignored.

You need to know what you’re getting into before purchasing electronic signature software though. There are several things you should consider before making your purchase. Here are three necessary considerations for electronic signature software packages to help you make an informed decision on what’s best for your company.

What Is Electronic Signature Software?

Electronic signature software is a form of digital signature software. It provides an electronic document with the same legal weight/effect as a traditional ink-and-paper document. The law requires specific information to be included in an electronic signature, which can vary depending on the specific use case.

One major use of the electronic signature is for authenticating signatories at business transactions. This includes things like financial transactions, contracts, or any other type of agreement that needs to be verified.

1. Know Your Business Needs

The first thing you’ll want to consider is your company’s business needs. What are the tools your team will be using? Do you need to send documents quickly in order to complete a project on time? Do you need to access signature files on multiple platforms? Knowing these answers will help narrow down your options for electronic signature software.

2. Understanding the Legalities of Electronic Signatures

Electronic signatures are legally binding and can be used in both electronic and paper form. However, there are some legal issues to note.

Digital signature laws vary from country to country and by state. This means that different countries will have different rules for digital signatures that you should know about before you invest in software

3. Purchasing Options and Considerations

There are different types of electronic signature software packages available on the market. There are some that are free of charge and others that require a monthly or annual fee.

The most popular type of electronic signature software is an app that can be downloaded onto your smartphone or tablet. It’s convenient because you’ll always have it with you, but there are also downsides. For instance, it may pose security risks to your company if you use it to sign documents without password protection.

Another option is the traditional desktop application for signing documents. They’re typically more expensive than apps but they provide greater security for your business.

If you need to sign documents outside the office, then a Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) is ideal for you. You’ll want this if you often travel or plan on working remotely in the near future. VDAs allow employees to securely access their networked computers from any location in order to complete tasks without compromising data security .


In conclusion, when it comes to electronic signatures, there are a few things you need to know before you invest in a software package. The type of software that you need depends on your business needs, and you should be aware of the legalities that come with the signing of electronic documents.

In this article, we have covered the basics of electronic signature software, so armed with this knowledge you can purchase a product that meets your needs and helps your business to grow.

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