Here’s Why Should Consider Buying Hosting and Domain from the Same Service Provider

In the early days, many customers were told to look for a separate domain name provider and hosting service provider. One of the main underlying reasons was to reduce the service provider’s monopoly to a person’s or company’s online presence – such as their website content and website address.

However, today, the perception has changed. Because buying a domain name and web hosting from the same service provider can offer convenience, compatibility, better support, discounts, and security. Let’s learn about a few of these benefits in detail in the section below.

Reasons to Buy Domain and Hosting from the Same Provider

The following are some reasons why companies often choose one company for buying web hosting services as well as a domain name.

  • Cost savings

In many cases, you can get your domain name registered for free or a small amount for the first year if you are using that company for your web hosting as well. This can help you have costs while starting out.

  • Convenient billing

All your bills are in one place when you buy these two services from one company. This helps reduce the risk of forgetting to pay for any of the services, which could otherwise put your website at risk.

  • No need to update the nameservers

If you register your domain name with the web hosting service provider you are using, they have the nameservers set up correctly (by default) in most cases.

  • Single trusted company

Once you find a trustworthy hosting company, it may make sense to allow them to help you with the domain name registration too. Because it can be challenging to again find a company you can trust. Therefore, combining the services and leveraging them from one provider can be a great idea.

  • Ease of upgrading domain and web hosting plans

Having the same company for web hosting and domain registration services allows you to easily upgrade your hosting plans as and when the need arises. You need not worry about reclaiming your hosting and domain from different providers.

For example, in many cases where there are two different providers, what usually happens is the domain name expires and becomes problematic for the current customers even when the web files and hosting are functioning well.

Having one provider allows them to understand your priorities, basis which they can easily notify you about upgrades, renewals, new plans, and other things, if necessary.

  • Security

When you buy hosting and domain from the same provider, you can ensure that they are secure and protected. Hosting providers often offer security features such as SSL certificates and domain privacy protection, which can help protect your website and data from cyber threats.

  • Discounts and Offers

Many hosting providers offer discounts and special offers when you purchase both hosting and domain from them. This can help you save money in the long run, especially if you plan to renew your hosting and domain regularly.

While there be may be many benefits to having a separate web hosting and domain name provider, there are even more benefits to having them together (as listed in this blog).

Hope this article was helpful to you.

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