The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches

As the end of your senior year of high school approaches, it’s understandable that you want to kick back and relax. Four stressful years of high school should warrant some sort of break, right? Before you let senioritis sink in too much, however, you should consider everything needed for college admission. The process is one that requires a lot of effort, particularly in the research phase. So much so that when left too long, the process can become overwhelming fast. Meaning the more time you have to prepare, the better. That’s especially true of the college applications that you intend to send out. Rather than rushing the applications and painting yourself in such a way that isn’t actually representable, it’s best to take a step back and put together a genuine application. That is, one that truly encompasses your life experience through educational achievements, volunteer opportunities and general passions. The application process is one that will require some careful consideration and introspective thinking. To become inspired and learn more about the ways in which you can perfect your college admissions applications, continue reading on to the resource supported alongside this post.

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App

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