Yubo Sets a New Benchmark For Online Community Safety

There will always be online fraudsters, and some of those kinds of people may seek to join certain social media sites in order to exploit their community. It is always possible that some individuals harbor ill intent against others. Therefore, verifying users’ ages has become an essential part of the internet world.

Yubo has generated a stir in the sector of social networking sites ever since it began attracting a substantial number of Generation Z members.

Yubo adopted an innovative new method of identifying a user’s age in collaboration with Yoti, an established supplier of digital online safety and security. The objective of this collaboration was to facilitate the process of confirming a user’s age for those who want to use the Yubo platform, while also preserving the users’ right to privacy. Yoti came up with a solution that takes care of both goals.

In order to use the Yubo platform, users must now film a brief video of themselves in real-time. This very short piece of video is then evaluated by Yoti’s algorithm, which evaluates if the video is genuine, unedited, and representative of the user’s reported age when they created their account. Yoti technology analyzes the uploaded videos and calculates the user’s age based on what it sees about the user. When a match is found with the age that the user claimed when they opened the account, they become verified and the user is permitted to access the Yubo platform. If the information does not match, the individual must take further steps to authenticate their age, which may include producing certain papers. Yoti, the market leader in the provision of services for the protection of users’ privacy and security while online, operates and manufactures this technology. The accuracy of the procedure for predicting a person’s age is 99.1%.

Initially, only users between the ages of 13 and 14 were allowed to use the tool to verify their age. However, Yubo’s ultimate objective was to enable age verification for all users. The safety of each and every Yubo user is the company’s top priority. Due to the speedy implementation of this new technology after the conclusion of a successful pilot project, every iOS user has now already been confirmed three months ahead of schedule. This speedy implementation and successful trial run have enabled Yubo to roll out the new age verification technology to the remaining 10% of Yubo’s overall user base, which is Android users. This final rollout will be happening within the next few weeks.

Because the whole procedure is based on an algorithm that analyzes a video recorded in real-time, users do not need to supply any personal documents, identification cards, or other sensitive information unless the initial video verification fails. This helps to safeguard users’ identities even further.

This innovative solution to age verification on the popular Yubo platform helps protect users online, as well as protects their personal online security. This sets a brand-new benchmark for the security of online user communities.

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